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The Process

Custom Designs To Fit Your Home

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Every home and outdoor space is unique. We believe that getting to know our customers and how they will be using the space helps us design a kitchen that will exceed expectations. We offer free in-home consultations and a showroom full of the latest outdoor kitchen equipment.

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Every high-end outdoor kitchen starts with a quality frame. Unfortunately, it’s extremely common for builders to use low-quality materials that deteriorate in outdoor conditions over time. Commonly used low-grade materials include untreated wood that’s flammable or rots, thin gauge metal studs that bend and sag over time, or bulky tubular steel that can rust and damage your patio surface.

Our frames are welded with high-quality tubular aluminum. It’s non-corrosive and will never rust. It’s lightweight, yet strong enough that it will never break. It is considerably more expensive to build our outdoor kitchens this way, and we’re confident its exceptional durability is worth every penny.

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We offer a full line of professional outdoor kitchen equipment designed to match any budget. Come visit our showroom and feel the quality for yourself.

The Process: Projects
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At Miller's Outdoor Kitchens we believe our success is measured in happy customers. We strive to put people first and to provide peace of mind to ensure that no matter what happens you’ll be taken care of.

No project is too big or small. Get in touch today for a free consultation.

The Process: Services
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